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Tuesday 30 June 2020

Which Is Better for Your Business – Manual or AI Visual Content Moderation?

Visual content moderation is important for businesses or brands, especially if they have to deal with a lot of user-generated visual content. Any association with inappropriate content can damage their reputation, weaken consumer trust and result in decrease in sales.

Traditionally, visual content classification and moderation has been done manually. But with the advent of AI, automated content moderation platforms have emerged. These platforms make use of computer vision and provide an effective way for image and video classification and moderation.       
Whether a brand or business should moderate visual content manually, use AI-powered automated content moderation or augment manual moderation with an automated one, depends on a number of factors. These factors are discussed here below –

Source of content
In order to build brand recognition and consumer trust, more and more brands are now allowing user-generated content on their own platforms. However, user-generated content is potentially risky and can include inappropriate matter that can be highly damaging for the brands. Although brands can dictate their content posting guidelines to users, they do not have actual control over what a user is posting. Moderating such content is a must for brands. As there are high chances of user-generated visual content being inappropriate or unsuitable, brands should opt for computer vision-powered video and image classification and moderation platform.
If in case, most of a brand’s visual content is not user-generated, but is sourced internally or from highly trust-worthy third parties, then for such a brand, video and image moderation can be performed manually by hiring human content moderators and there is a lesser need for an automated system.

Volume of content
For brands that have to deal with a good volume of visual content, especially user-generated content, manual moderation does not work effectively and efficiently. They should make use of computer vision-powered image and video moderation platforms.
AI-powered systems can tackle enormous content volume with a high degree of accuracy. Computer vision technology effectively classifies and tags visual content at scale. Such automated systems are not plagued by human errors, can work continuously unlike human beings, and their algorithms get self-trained from the data they handle.

Nature of content 
An automated AI content moderation platform can effectively filter out content such as “not safe for work” images and videos, and other forms of inappropriate, offensive or dangerous content, but it falls short when it comes to filtering out misinformation. Here, human intervention from human content moderators is required.
User-generated visual content can be highly mentally disturbing for human content moderators. Filtering out such content through automated computer vision powered content classification and moderation platform is the best way to prevent ill effects on mental health.  
Hiring a large number of human moderators is quite expensive and may not be feasible for businesses with small budgets. Also, in most of the cases, as discussed above, manual moderation is less effective than computer vision powered visual content moderation.
For brands or businesses that have to handle a large amount of user-generated visual content, computer vision-based content moderation is much better than manual moderation in terms of accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency.


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