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Thursday 28 May 2020

Choosing Between Contextual Advertising and Audience Targeting – Which is Better?

Choosing Between Contextual Advertising and Audience Targeting – Which is Better?

For marketers, choosing contextual advertising over audience targeting or vice versa has always been dilemmatic. Contextual advertising involves placement of ads on the basis of the content the user is engaging with, whereas audience targeting involves use of cookies to track users and display ads. Here, we will try to provide a solution to this dilemma. We will consider the data available from different studies and draw a conclusion.

Balancing audience and context is difficult for the majority of marketers, shows a survey conducted by Sizmek. The solution to this problem is not just as simple as targeting both audience and context, as for 8 in 10 of the survey participants, targeting both has a negative impact on the advertising campaign.

90% of the participants said that they expect to increase the scale of their contextual targeting and find new audiences. 80% said that in the coming year, it will be either a critical or high priority for them to achieve both audience and contextual targeting at scale.

For the direct response campaigns, 42% of the participants said that their targeting strategy involves only audience or gives more importance to audience over context, while 37% said audience and context are equally important. 21% said that their targeting strategy involves only context or gives more importance to context over audience.

For the brand campaigns, 37% of the participants said that their targeting strategy involves only audience or gives more importance to audience over context, while 35% said audience and context are equally important. 28% of the respondents said their targeting strategy involves only context or gives more importance to context over audience.

75% of the respondents agreed that deploying artificial intelligence in advertising increases the performance of the ad campaigns. 81% said that they plan to increase the use of artificial intelligence in advertising.

With the coming in effect of the data privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the gradual phasing-out of third-party cookies in Chrome by Google, a major shift from cookie-based audience targeting to contextual advertising has begun.

77% of the survey’s participants anticipated that the GDPR and other privacy laws will make it harder for marketers to target audience through the means of third-party data. 80% of the respondents said they will improve their contextual targeting.

Industry experts think that AI-powered contextual advertising will become the preferred mode of online advertising as it does not rely on users’ data.

Another study published on The Drum compared contextual targeting to audience targeting in terms of attention, cost and brand lift. It found that the average time spent by individuals on ads in the case of contextual advertising was 12% greater than when audience targeting was used. On a CPM basis, audience targeting cost was found to be 4.7 times more expensive than contextual targeting. Apart from the data costs, the media costs incurred in the case of contextual targeting were 6.3% lesser than audience targeting.

Brand lift per second of attention was 2.1% in the case of audience targeting, while it was 3% for contextual targeting. At developing brand impact per second of attention, contextual targeting came out to be 43% more efficient than audience targeting. The study found that for every dollar spent, contextual targeting is 7.5 times more efficient than audience targeting in achieving brand lift.
From the above two studies, two conclusions can be drawn – firstly, contextual advertising is much more effective and efficient than audience targeting, and secondly, marketers are increasingly considering contextual targeting, especially AI-powered contextual advertising.

However, most of the AI powered solutions currently available in the market depend on the use of machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP) and semantic analysis. These solutions fail to truly understand the sub-text, nuanced contexts, and complex relationship words have in written or spoken language.  

AI-powered contextual advertising solutions that use computer vision are far more effective and accurate, offering a higher degree of context relevance that overcomes the limitations of traditional keyword targeting and NLP based technologies. Computer vision enables detection of contexts in video such as faces, emotions, logos, objects, scenes and activities with high accuracy, thus allowing advertisers to display in-video ads that are in line with what the user is actively engaging with. Computer vision powered contextual advertising allows brands to achieve unparalleled user engagement, reach and ROI.

The benefits offered by AI and computer vision powered contextual targeting are not limited to boosting performance of ad campaigns, but also include successful resolution of the grave problem of brand safety. Accurate detection of unsafe or inappropriate contexts in video enables marketers to effectively avoid any sort of undesired ad placement, thus ensuring brand safety.

For marketers seeking an advertising strategy that is compliant with privacy regulations, cookieless, highly effective and brand safe, AI and computer vision powered contextual advertising surpasses audience targeting.  


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